
"We are an established company in a mature industry facing disruptive change. How do we make our brand more relevant and competitively dynamic?"

Digital technology is a disruptive force that is reshaping entire industries. Old, established companies, once leaders and innovators, are coming under increasing pressure from new, agile entrants.

Particularly vulnerable are players in the telecommunications, information and publishing, pharma and healthcare, entertainment, retail, industrial and financial services industries, although no company can afford to be complacent.

While the business itself might be undergoing a fundamental restructuring to meet the competitive challenges and take advantage of the opportunities in the digital revolution, its brand is, in effect, being dangerously “depositioned”—stuck in the past as the business moves forward.

In such circumstances a holistic brand strategy is required. It starts with a fundamental assessment of the corporate brand itself to understand current perceptions among key constituencies and, critically, the potential of the brand measured against corporate business strategy.

We have developed powerful, data-based brand assessment tools that remove the guesswork from brand investment strategies and provide executive teams with the confidence they need to make game-changing brand decisions.

The cornerstone of our approach to building evidence-based brands is the Brand Performance Platform™. The BPP is a quantitative research methodology specially engineered for B2B brands. It calculates brand performance in a competitive landscape, measures the brand against key drivers of buyer choice, identifies optimal positioning strategies against growth segments, and provides an index-based benchmark for tracking movement of the brand against key indicators.